Request an appraisal

Texte test
Les valeurs indicatives et/ou les informations données par le Cabinet Turquin en réponse aux demandes reçues par courriels, à la simple vue de photographies et/ou de documents, ou à la suite d’informations orales fournies par le demandeur, ne peuvent en aucun cas être considérées comme des expertises. Bien entendu votre demande est confidentielle et nous vous assurons une totale discrétion. Il est ainsi rappelé que les valeurs indicatives ou les informations concernant un tableau ne sont données qu’au demandeur et ne sauraient être communiquées à des tiers sans notre accord écrit et préalable.
Nous attirons votre attention sur le fait que les communications par mail sont susceptibles de modification par des tiers.
Photographs of both the front and back of the painting as well as any detail photos taken close-up provide us with essential initial information about your work of art.
Description of the Painting :
The Support: is it a work on canvas or on panel? (other possibilities are copper, marble, stone)
The Medium: does it appear to be done in oil? (most Old Master Paintings are but other possibilities are tempura, gold leaf)
Signature: is it signed? A photo of the signature or any marks, stamps, seals on the front or the back of the work can give clues to the painting’s history.
Size: ideally dimensions should be taken just of the work without the frame
Provenance: if possible, tell us the history of the painting if you know it. At what date it was acquired and any information about previous owners should you have it.
NB: all information regarding clients and their works of art is confidential.
Condition: it is also helpful to know if you know of any restoration or cleaning that may have been done to the painting as this can modify its appearance.
Documents: any additional documentation on your painting is always welcome (exhibitions, catalogue raisonné etc)